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Press Releases

Dr. George: No Need For Alarm

The most recent COVID-19 samples received from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) have not raised any concerns among local health authorities.

Chief Medical Officer, Dr. The Most Honourable Kenneth George, said he was aware of information circulating on social media about a new variant.  He told the Barbados Government Information Service that while some of the information contained in the post carried credibility, the rest of the details given were not substantiated by science.

Dr. George further noted that Barbados’ COVID-19 hospitalisation rate remained low, at less than five per cent occupancy.

“We continue to send random samples to CARPHA for genomic typing.  To date, none of the samples returned have required our immediate action.  The positivity rate remains between 25 and 30 per cent.  However, there is no indication that transmission rates have increased or that persons are having adverse outcomes.  The Ministry of Health and Wellness will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation internationally,” the Chief Medical Officer stated. He once again encouraged members of the public to protect themselves by “masking up” if they were in “unsure” situations, and urged them to continue to protect persons who were over age 65 as well as those who had chronic conditions from contracting COVID-19.

Author: Melissa Rollock

Publish: August 18, 2023

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