The Ministry of Health and Wellness encourages persons to use effective prevention and control measures to avoid heat-related illnesses. Read More

Who We Are

Who We Are

The Barbados Medical Council is a corporate body established in  accordance with Part II Section 3 of the Medical Professional Act, 2011-1.  Its functions include: 

  1. The registration of medical practitioners; 
  2. The regulation of the conduct and discipline of medical  practitioners; 
  3. The prescription of qualifications, approval of standards, and  requirement for continual education and training; 
  4. The regulation of advertising by medical practitioners. 

The Medical Profession Act provides for the appointment of 13 members to the Barbados Medical Council including the Chief Medical Officer who is ex-officio to the Council. Members of the Medical Council (other than the  Chief Medical Officer) hold office for two years (the equivalent of one term)  and are eligible for re-appointment after the expiration of the term. The  Schedule also makes provision for the appointment of a Chairman and a  Deputy Chairman. 

There are three Committee of the Barbados Medical Council established in accordance with the Medical Profession Act, 2011-1 to facilitate administration:

  1. The Assessment Committee,
  2. The Complaints Committee
  3. The Disciplinary Committee.
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